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Cinema safety principles

Possible problems affecting public safety in theaters

The emergency exit is locked

Crowded places have large flow of people and large fire risk. But some cinemas in complexes are open at night with only an elevator and an exit until people leave. Or because of cold weather and lack of manpower, other evacuation stairs and exits are locked, causing great security risks.

The electrical circuit is complex

Cinema electrical equipment is large in number and power, if the aging of the wire, line overload and other phenomena, it will cause heat, leakage, short circuit of the electrical line, easy to cause fire.

Fire protection facilities are not in good condition

The fire fighting equipment and facilities of some theaters are not configured in accordance with the requirements of the code, and the maintenance is not in place, there may be indoor hydrant system can not be used normally, emergency lights and evacuation signs are not set up in the standard phenomenon.

Cinema equipment runs for a long time

Fires can also occur in cinemas due to failure of electrical protection devices, unreliable quality of ventilation fans, excessive temperature of transformers in neon lights, and continuous high power use of sound.

There are many combustibles in the cinema

In order to pursue sound, light and sound effect, cinema often uses a large number of flammable and combustible sound-absorbing materials. Cinema seats, screens, door curtains, wall decoration cloth and so on if they do not have flame retardant properties, it is easy to cause fire in the open flame.

Personnel safety awareness is weak

Cinemas are crowded, most of them have not gone through the systematic fire knowledge training, lack of safety common sense. When the fire occurs, the personnel are easily at a loss, delaying the time to escape.

Illegal smoking by moviegoers

Cinemas are places of public entertainment where smoking is prohibited. If there is illegal smoking, soot falling will easily ignite inflammable materials such as seat carpet.

Theater escape tips

Before going to the screening hall, please pay attention to the location of the evacuation channel and the safety exit, and remember the direction of the safe evacuation. When entering the cinema, it is forbidden to bring inflammable articles such as gasoline, alcohol and hydrogen balloon into the cinema, and it is forbidden to smoke in the cinema.

Pay attention to theater escape signs

The cinema is equipped with fire escape channels, emergency lighting equipment such as door lights, wall lights and footlights, and indication signs such as "safety exit" and "emergency exit". In the event of a fire, spectators should follow the directions of emergency lighting facilities and quickly choose the nearest exit.

Choose the right escape direction

When a fire breaks out on the stage, the main direction of the fire spread is the auditorium. Those who cannot be evacuated in time should try to get close to the end of the screening hall to seize the opportunity to escape. When a fire breaks out in the auditorium, the main direction of the fire spread is the stage, and then the screening hall. The escape personnel can use the exit of the stage, the screening hall and the audience hall to evacuate quickly; When a fire breaks out in the screening hall, as the fire poses little threat to the audience hall, the escape personnel can use the various exits of the stage and the audience hall to evacuate.

Follow the staff's instructions

When evacuating, moviegoers should follow the instructions of theater staff and avoid crowding each other and running around. Moviegoers should walk close to load-bearing walls or load-bearing components as far as possible to prevent injuries from falling objects. Especially in the event of a fire in the auditorium, they must not stay in the middle of the theater. If the smoke is heavy, you should stoop to walk, because the air near the ground is safer.

Cinema fire safety principles

Illegal open flame operation is strictly prohibited

Open fire operation is prohibited during the business period. If open fire operation is required during the non-business period, relevant procedures shall be handled, adequate fire fighting equipment shall be equipped, and nearby combustible materials shall be removed. After the operation is finished, the fire source shall be checked out completely before leaving.

Keep the evacuation route clear

It is strictly prohibited to occupy, block, close or lock the evacuation channel and safety exit, especially at night when people leave. Decorations that hinder fire fighting are strictly prohibited.

Lay electrical lines reasonably

The laying of electrical lines should be operated by professional electricians and protected through pipes. At the same time, the projection equipment and electrical lines should be tested regularly for safety. It is strictly prohibited to pull and connect temporary lines illegally.

Fire protection facilities are complete and working

In accordance with relevant regulations, allocate appropriate fire equipment and facilities, and carry out routine inspection and maintenance to ensure that fire equipment is intact and effective, evacuation indication signs and emergency lighting equipment can not be blocked, covered or damaged.

Organize fire training regularly

Theaters should provide regular fire safety training for employees, master the basic fire prevention, initial rescue and self-rescue knowledge, and strengthen the staff's ability to guide the evacuation of moviegoers. The mini fire station shall be equipped with necessary fire equipment and personnel on duty, and organize regular fire fighting drills to save the early morning, extinguish the small and "arrive in 3 minutes" to fight the initial fire.

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